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Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy - Volume-2 (Paperback)

Rachel Koshi

TK. 1,071 Total: TK. 574
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Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy - Volume-2

16th Edition, 2017


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy - Volume-2 (Paperback)

Thorax and Abdomen

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TK. 1,071 TK. 574 You Save TK. 497 (46%)
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Product Specification & Summary

• Completely updated and modernized
• Uses easily understandable and simplified language Anatomical diagrams are in full colour
• Radiology images throughout
•Dissections include learning outcomes and clear step-by-step instructions
•New clinical application boxes make direct links to clinical medicine
•New multiple-choice questions help examination revision
The new 16th edition of Cunningham's has been thoroughly revised for the modern-day anatomy student. The language has been simplified for easy understanding and comprehension, making this textbook ideal for students at undergraduate level. Each dissection reflects current medical school teaching and is now broken down into clear step-by-step instructions.
Following a logical structure, each chapter explains in a clear friendly manner the key knowledge expected of students. Improved diagrams with clear labelling and full colour illustrate key anatomical features, bringing the text to life. Learning objectives introduce each dissection and clear step-by-step instructions make it easy to follow in the dissection lab.
Throughout the book new clinical application boxes and radiology images explain how anatomy relates to clinical medical practice. Highlighted text brings attention to clinically relevant facts in the main text. At the end of each part, multiple-choice questions allow students to quickly review their knowledge before checking the answers in 'Answers to MCQs'.
Student friendly and richly illustrated, this new edition of Cunningham's brings expert anatomical teaching to the modern-day student of medicine, dentistry, and allied health sciences.
Title Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy - Volume-2
ISBN 9780198749370
Edition 16th Edition, 2017
Number of Pages 328
Country India
Language English

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Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy - Volume-2

Rachel Koshi

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