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চুজিং দ্য রাইট কলোকেশন image

চুজিং দ্য রাইট কলোকেশন (Paperback)

Professor S M Amanullah

TK. 99 Total: TK. 93
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চুজিং দ্য রাইট কলোকেশন

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চুজিং দ্য রাইট কলোকেশন (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

"Chossing the Right Collocation" Taken from the flap of the book:
Lexical approach in English language teaching emphatically approves the wider use of collocation that helps acquiring the ability more quickly and efficiently. Communicative competency both in speech and writing, therefore, preconditions a smooth flow of right words in their right combinations and the job can only be achieved through the vocabulary strengthening endeavours. "Choosing the Right Collocation — an appetizing title as it is – as such paves the way for the process to help develop the fundamental language ability of the learners. The book basically offers the 'word collocations' including their structures and follows the alphabetical order in presentation. It takes approximately 300 head words selectively chosen and more than 4650 sentences written according to collocational types/structures. They will offer the guide in any contextual application by the learners. It also provides the basic information about the lexical item (collocation) like what is collocation? the types of collocation including example sentences, the importance of collocation, the job of the language teachers to do collocation etc. The whole design offers a unique flavour and fragrance that can naturally captivate the users of the book.
Title চুজিং দ্য রাইট কলোকেশন
ISBN 98470002100045
Edition 1st Edition, 2007
Number of Pages 326
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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চুজিং দ্য রাইট কলোকেশন

Professor S M Amanullah

৳ 93 ৳99.0

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