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এ টালে অফ এ ফ্রিডম ফাইটার image

এ টালে অফ এ ফ্রিডম ফাইটার (Hardcover)

Nuruddin Hossain

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এ টালে অফ এ ফ্রিডম ফাইটার

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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এ টালে অফ এ ফ্রিডম ফাইটার (Hardcover)

TK. 200 TK. 160 You Save TK. 40 (20%)
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"A Tale of a Freedom Fighter" Taken from the first flap of the book:
Rakib and Nazma studied in the same class. Rakib was a bad student and Nazma was a good student. Rakib fell in love with Nazma. Initially, Nazma did not like Rakib. But gradually a good relationship was built up between them. Nazma's parents married her off. Rakib became very shocked. He stopped going to school. Then the liberation war began. Rakib went to fight against Pakistani forces along with his two friends. His two friends died in the war. Rakib returned to home finishing the war. Coming back home Rakib found none of his family members alive. Nazma's husband divorced her for being raped by Pakistani forces. Nazma went to commit suicide. Rakib saved her and married. Then they started a new life.
Title এ টালে অফ এ ফ্রিডম ফাইটার
ISBN 9789848095560
Edition 1st Published, 2020
Number of Pages 96
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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এ টালে অফ এ ফ্রিডম ফাইটার

Nuruddin Hossain

৳ 160 ৳200.0

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