"Kids Time Stories Vol-1" Taken from the first part of the book: Probably this is the first attempt to publish a full book written and drawn by children between 5-10 years old. We get the courage from our little writers and artists. In Kids Time, we help children to develop their creativity, problem-solving, emotional intelligence and make them ready for 21st century. As part of our work, we run a course called "Storymaking Course" in our centers. In this course, children learn how to make stories - they learn to develop character, storyline, climax etc. Through various individual and group activities, they learn critical thinking, problem solving and let their imagination go wild. In their bio, they write their own stories, draw pictures for each page and write their own bio. They write what they love, what they want to be when they grow up. When 150 children published their individual stories, we decided to publish a full book under our publication. We selected 16 Bengali stories and 16 English stories to publish two books. We believe a lot of children will be inspired by these books and start to write down their own imagination as stories. We encourage parents to send their children's stories to us and we will publish them in future.
The “Goofi Book Team” consists of children book authors, ECD Experts, Education Researchers, Editor Panel. Our books are developed in-house after extensive research and collaboration with all children. That’s the reason why Goofi Books are highly engaging, able to improve creative and social skills, and moral values. Our Academic Books are also developed in a way that helps children to learn by themselves, get engaged with all the designed activities. Currently, Goofi Books has a team of 20 people consists of writers, content creators, illustrators and ECD Experts & Researchers.