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সাইনস অফ দি লাস্ট ডে ইন দি মডার্ন এইজ image

সাইনস অফ দি লাস্ট ডে ইন দি মডার্ন এইজ (Paperback)

Imran Najor Hossain

TK. 750 Total: TK. 525
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সাইনস অফ দি লাস্ট ডে ইন দি মডার্ন এইজ

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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সাইনস অফ দি লাস্ট ডে ইন দি মডার্ন এইজ (Paperback)

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TK. 750 TK. 525 You Save TK. 225 (30%)
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Product Specification & Summary

The essays in this book are the fruit of a very humble attempt at interpreting contemporary events and issue perceived to be connected to this subject. Our hope is that these essays might assist reader to recognize the reality of events on which we have commented and in the process, also recognize ‘Truth’ in Islam. They would read these essays and be pleasantly surprised by an articulation of Islam’s viewpoint so different from today’s anti-Islam propaganda. They would be startled to learn, for example, of prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah Most High be upon him) concerning the Last Age about which they never previously knew. Many might not have known that he prophesied an end of history that would witness the return of the true Messiah, Jesus the son of the virgin Mary (peace be upon them both), and that a Muslim army coming out of territory in and around Afghanistan would at that time successfully liberate all occupied territory until it finally liberates Jerusalem.
Title সাইনস অফ দি লাস্ট ডে ইন দি মডার্ন এইজ
Edition 1st Published, 2020
Number of Pages 352
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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সাইনস অফ দি লাস্ট ডে ইন দি মডার্ন এইজ

Imran Najor Hossain

৳ 525 ৳750.0

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