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ডেভেলপমেন্ট রে-এক্সামিনেড image

ডেভেলপমেন্ট রে-এক্সামিনেড (Hardcover)

Anu Muhammad

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ডেভেলপমেন্ট রে-এক্সামিনেড

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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ডেভেলপমেন্ট রে-এক্সামিনেড (Hardcover)

Neo-liberal development path in Bangladesh: construction and consequences

TK. 720 TK. 547 You Save TK. 173 (24%)
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Product Specification & Summary

This book is an attempt to examine the dynamics of neo-liberal development model in Bangladesh with special focus on global institutions, energy, industrial growth and workers’ rights, on GDP growth and environment. The book is divided into six parts. First part investigates organic links between global institutions (GIs) representing global monopoly capitalism and the peripheral state, the process of constructing this development path. Second part focuses on natural resources, energy and power. An alternative model for power generation is also discussed. Third part deals with the global chain of Bangladesh garments industry, its remarkable growth along with conditions of workers. Fourth part examines model of neoliberalism in Bangladesh along with role of microfinance and NGOs. Fifth part further clarifies different aspects related to global capitalism, development, NGO and South Asia. Finally, an alternative approach to development is outlined to visualize a feasible and humane future in the concluding part.
Content List of Tables and Figures
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Introduction Part 1: Construction of Development Path: Role of Global Institutions (GIs) and the State
Part 2: Natural Resources, Energy and Environment State, Natural Resources and Energy Security: ‘Resource Curse’ Model and the way out The Sundarbans, Rampal Coal-Fired Power Plant and People’s Movement Alternative Proposed Master Plan for Power Generation
Part 3: Production and Labour Rights Growth and Deprivation - Readymade Garments (RMG) in Bangladesh Worker's life and Walmart's Pocket Garments Global Chain: From Savar to New York
Part 4: Growth, NGO Model and Poverty Reduction Grameen and Microcredit: A Tale of Corporate Success Bangladesh—a Model of Neoliberalism—the Case of Microfinance and NGOs
Part 5: Conversation on Issues of Development: Myth and Reality Natural Resources and People’s Movement for Reclaiming Ownership The Sundarbans and The Rampal Plant: Responses to the Government’s Argument Global Capitalism and South Asia
Part 6: Beyond the Present Paradigm
Title ডেভেলপমেন্ট রে-এক্সামিনেড
ISBN 9789845062763
Edition 1st Published, 2020
Number of Pages 272
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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ডেভেলপমেন্ট রে-এক্সামিনেড

Anu Muhammad

৳ 547 ৳720.0

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