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Hyperfocus: How to Work Less and Achieve More (Paperback)

Chris Bailey

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Hyperfocus: How to Work Less and Achieve More

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Hyperfocus: How to Work Less and Achieve More (Paperback)

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TK. 1,300

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Product Specification & Summary

"Hyperfocus: How to Be More Productive in a World of Distraction" by Chris Bailey is a practical guide to improving focus, productivity, and attention management in the modern, distraction-filled world. The book introduces two key mental states—hyperfocus and scatterfocus—and explains how mastering both can lead to greater productivity and creativity.
Hyperfocus: This is the state of deep concentration where you fully immerse yourself in a task. Bailey explains how focusing on one task at a time allows you to accomplish more in less time and with higher quality. He provides strategies for entering and maintaining this state, such as eliminating distractions, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and using techniques like the Pomodoro method to sustain focus over time.
Scatterfocus: This is a more relaxed state of mind, where the brain is free to wander and daydream. Bailey argues that this state is just as important as hyperfocus because it allows for creativity, problem-solving, and insight. During scatterfocus, the brain makes connections between ideas and processes information in the background, leading to breakthroughs and new perspectives.
Bailey offers actionable tips for managing both states, such as identifying your most important tasks, creating an environment conducive to focus, and scheduling time for scatterfocus to allow for mental rest and creativity. He also discusses how to combat distractions, both external (like technology) and internal (like mind wandering), by setting boundaries and developing better attention control habits.
The book emphasizes balance: hyperfocus for productivity and scatterfocus for creativity. Bailey explains that by consciously switching between these states, you can optimize both your work and your mental well-being.
In summary, Hyperfocus provides a roadmap for achieving greater focus and productivity in an age of constant distractions, while also encouraging the importance of mental breaks and creative thinking through scatterfocus. It’s a guide to harnessing the power of attention to enhance your life and work.
Title Hyperfocus: How to Work Less and Achieve More
ISBN 9781035036288
Edition 1st Published, 2020
Number of Pages 256
Country India
Language English

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Hyperfocus: How to Work Less and Achieve More

Chris Bailey

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