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দি প্রিপোজিশন্স image

দি প্রিপোজিশন্স (Hardcover)

Syed Naquib Muslim Ph.D

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দি প্রিপোজিশন্স

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দি প্রিপোজিশন্স (Hardcover)

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The book comprises 13 chapters. Chapter-I stresses the significance of prepositions in making a sentence meaningful ; it points out the characteristics of the preposition and shows how it is different from other parts of speech. Chapter-II discusses scholars’ debate on figures and multiple functions of the Preposition. In Chapter- III, experts’ views on the categorization of the preposition have been discussed. Chapter-IV attempts to determine the character and status of the preposition and shows if it is open or closed, transitive or intransitive, and polysemic or monosemic. A debate among grammarians goes on about whether prepositions can be placed at the end of sentences or not. This issue has been discussed in Chapter-V. Chapter-VI and Chapter VII deal comprehensively with the Preposition’s contribution in creating Phrasal verbs and Prepositional Verbs. Chapter-VIII shows how appropriate prepositions are to be placed before or after lexical words. Chapter -IX shows how knowledge of collocations of prepositions improves the degree of accuracy in sentences. The Preposition happens to be a perennial source of trouble or confusion and fear for many including native users of English. This has been discussed in Chapter- X. Prepositional errors occupy a big portion of English grammatical lapse or inaccuracy. This has been discussed in Chapter-XI. Prepositions are not needed, but people put them partly for ignorance and partly for carelessness. Chapter-XII sheds light on this problem. Chapter- XIII shows how the Preposition is both a powerful and powerless word
Title দি প্রিপোজিশন্স
Edition 1st PUblished, 2021
Number of Pages 413
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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দি প্রিপোজিশন্স

Syed Naquib Muslim Ph.D

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