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কোভিড ১৯ : দি আদারসাইড অফ লিভিং

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কোভিড ১৯ : দি আদারসাইড অফ লিভিং (হার্ডকভার)

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In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, life continues to reproduce itself, albeit at its own pace, with pain, curiosity, tears, and laughter. This prompted me to look for researchers, both young and accomplished, and find out from them the 'otherside' of living through the pandemic. Some probably would prefer to call this the experiential side of life, but there is more to it. When we say life continues', it continues not merely by flagging 'fear' and counting infections and deaths, which are certainly important, but not the whole of life, and still less so when it comes to reproducing the resilience of the people. Much of the 'otherside' of living through the pandemic is found in the resilience of the people. Put differently, the face of the 'otherside' is resilience, although it seldom gets flagged. Rather, in the backdrop of disciplinary knowledge, the 'otherside' is routinely ignored and peripheralized. But then, disciplines restrict thoughts, and more so imagination, the realization of which made my choice of researchers easy. I only had to invite researchers from as many disciplines as possible and provide them with an opportunity to reflect and write on the 'otherside' of living through the pandemic
Title কোভিড ১৯ : দি আদারসাইড অফ লিভিং
ISBN 9789848125946
Edition 1st Published, 2021
Number of Pages 375
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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কোভিড ১৯ : দি আদারসাইড অফ লিভিং

Imtiaz Ahmed

৳ 1,636 ৳1995.0

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