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পারসুইট অফ এক্সিলেন্স ইন টিচিং: এ মেমোয়ার

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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পারসুইট অফ এক্সিলেন্স ইন টিচিং: এ মেমোয়ার (Hardcover)

A Memoir

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আজই শেষ দিন। শেষ হতে যাচ্ছে ক্লিয়ারেন্স সেল! বইয়ে ৭০% ও পণ্যে ৭৮% পর্যন্ত ছাড়!


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Product Specification & Summary

The autobiography chronicles Headmaster Jalal-ud-Din Ahmad 's odyssey from impoverished beginnings to his winning the Presidential award for the "Best Headmaster in Pakistan" in 1967, the inaugural year of the award. In the process, he recounts how he pursued secondary education through scholarships and "Jagir"(a resident-tutor who received foodand lodging in exchange of tutoring the children of the household), and continued his higher education with the help of scholarships and loans. In his professional life he faced and overcame daunting challenges posed by the powerful who wanted him to break the school rules in their favour. He dedicated his life to educating the mostly poor students of Bangladesh. To him, the interest of his students was paramount. His students were his top and only priority. Headmaster Jalal-ud-Din Ahmad also delves into how he practiced his teaching philosophy which eventually won him national recognition. The autobiography chronicles Headmaster Jalal-ud-Din Ahmad 's odyssey from impoverished beginnings to his winning the Presidential award for the "Best Headmaster in Pakistan" in 1967, the inaugural year of the award. In the process, he recounts how he pursued secondary education through scholarships and "Jagir"(a resident-tutor who received foodand lodging in exchange of tutoring the children of the household), and continued his higher education with the help of scholarships and loans. In his professional life he faced and overcame daunting challenges posed by the powerful who wanted him to break the school rules in their favour. He dedicated his life to educating the mostly poor students of Bangladesh. To him, the interest of his students was paramount. His students were his top and only priority. Headmaster Jalal-ud-Din Ahmad also delves into how he practiced his teaching philosophy which eventually won him national recognition.
Title পারসুইট অফ এক্সিলেন্স ইন টিচিং: এ মেমোয়ার
ISBN 9789845062916
Edition 1st Published, 2021
Number of Pages 318
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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পারসুইট অফ এক্সিলেন্স ইন টিচিং: এ মেমোয়ার

Jalal-ud-Din Ahmad

৳ 426 ৳560.0

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