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এ ডাইজেস্ট অব ইনটেলেকচুয়াল প্রপার্টি ল’ image

এ ডাইজেস্ট অব ইনটেলেকচুয়াল প্রপার্টি ল’ (Hardcover)

Muhammad Nazam Uddin

TK. 750 Total: TK. 600
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এ ডাইজেস্ট অব ইনটেলেকচুয়াল প্রপার্টি ল’

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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এ ডাইজেস্ট অব ইনটেলেকচুয়াল প্রপার্টি ল’ (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

The book A Digest on Intellectual Property Law is a comprehensive work on the arena of IPRs as it includes all issues namely, Copyright, Patent, Design, Trademark with recent enactment, Geographical Indications with recent enactment, Indigenous knowledge, Biodiversity, Plant Variety Rights, TRIPS Agreement and all other international instruments. Besides, the plain text of the relevant Act is attached with the book so that one can easily refer to and get a better idea of a particular matter. Two research articles are also there to enrich the composition. The book is specially designed to paraphrase and simplify the language for students and new readers. It will also be highly beneficial for the corporate world in getting primary ideas over management and protection of intellectual properties. It will satisfy the demands of law students, young researchers, the business community, and international trade and commerce. However, the learned judges and lawyers can also use it as a reference book. The book A Digest on Intellectual Property Law is a comprehensive work on the arena of IPRs as it includes all issues namely, Copyright, Patent, Design, Trademark with recent enactment, Geographical Indications with recent enactment, Indigenous knowledge, Biodiversity, Plant Variety Rights, TRIPS Agreement and all other international instruments. Besides, the plain text of the relevant Act is attached with the book so that one can easily refer to and get a better idea of a particular matter. Two research articles are also there to enrich the composition. The book is specially designed to paraphrase and simplify the language for students and new readers. It will also be highly beneficial for the corporate world in getting primary ideas over management and protection of intellectual properties. It will satisfy the demands of law students, young researchers, the business community, and international trade and commerce. However, the learned judges and lawyers can also use it as a reference book.
Title এ ডাইজেস্ট অব ইনটেলেকচুয়াল প্রপার্টি ল’
ISBN 9789848063019
Edition 1st Edition, 2021
Number of Pages 535
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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এ ডাইজেস্ট অব ইনটেলেকচুয়াল প্রপার্টি ল’

Muhammad Nazam Uddin

৳ 600 ৳750.0

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