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দ্যা হলি কুরআন অন জিউস এন্ড ক্রিস্টিয়ানস image

দ্যা হলি কুরআন অন জিউস এন্ড ক্রিস্টিয়ানস (Paperback)

Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah

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দ্যা হলি কুরআন অন জিউস এন্ড ক্রিস্টিয়ানস

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দ্যা হলি কুরআন অন জিউস এন্ড ক্রিস্টিয়ানস (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah (R.) (1873-1965) was a renowned sufi, academician, social reformer, reputed philanthropist, famed literary figure and philosopher. He was the pride of the Muslims in Bengal and one of the most enlightened personalities of his time.
Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah was an Assistant Director of Public Instruction in the Department of Education in undivided Bengal and Assam. In the undivided Bengal, no Indian had hitherto been appointed as Assistant Director amongst the Hindus and Muslims, he was the first person of undivided Bengal to join the Indian Education Service (IES).
He played a pioneering role in consolidating the social status of the downtrodden Muslims in the British-India by rejuvenating their thoughts and values and by lifting them from an all-consuming process of social degeneration. The goal of bringing a positive change both in the lives and the psyche of the Muslims that he had set himself to, was fully accomplished through his works and deeds.
Title দ্যা হলি কুরআন অন জিউস এন্ড ক্রিস্টিয়ানস
ISBN 9789849562719
Edition 2nd Published, 2021
Number of Pages 44
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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দ্যা হলি কুরআন অন জিউস এন্ড ক্রিস্টিয়ানস

Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah

৳ 57 ৳70.0

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