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মিস্টেরি অব দ্যা বিস্ট উলফ গ্যাং image

মিস্টেরি অব দ্যা বিস্ট উলফ গ্যাং (Hardcover)

Adeba Anika

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মিস্টেরি অব দ্যা বিস্ট উলফ গ্যাং

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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মিস্টেরি অব দ্যা বিস্ট উলফ গ্যাং (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

The day Akil Hasham met his most formidable enemy began as an ordinary sunny day. The weather was perfect for a game of football and he did not know that the killer he will meet today will try to take his life seven days later. Or that others like that murderer would be after him by the end of the week.
No, Akil was only thinking about defeating the other teams in the inter-school tournament that would take place day after tomorrow. Their coach had told them they should get some rest today and have fun to deal with the stress. He was on his way to his friend's house for just that. His friend lived nearby, which was why he decided to walk to his house.
Title মিস্টেরি অব দ্যা বিস্ট উলফ গ্যাং
ISBN 9789849596608
Edition 1st Published, 2021
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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মিস্টেরি অব দ্যা বিস্ট উলফ গ্যাং

Adeba Anika

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