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The Dark Hours

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The Dark Hours (Paperback)

The Brand New Blockbuster Ballard

TK. 1,438

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Product Specification & Summary

The intruder is none other than legendary LAPD detective Harry Bosch, working a cold case that has gotten under his skin. Ballard kicks him out, but eventually Bosch persuades her to help and she relents.
Bosch is investigating the death of fifteen-year-old Daisy Clayton, a runaway who was brutally murdered. He crossed paths with her devastated mother while working a previous case, and Daisy's story has seized hold of him.
Now, Ballard joins forces with Bosch and his former partner Lucia Soto to find out what happened to Daisy and finally bring her killer to justice...
Title The Dark Hours
ISBN 9781409186175
Edition 1st Published, 2021
Number of Pages 400
Country India
Language English

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