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Islamic Thoughts And Theories - A Critical Analysis (Hardcover)

Hazzaz Ahmed

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Islamic Thoughts And Theories - A Critical Analysis

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Islamic Thoughts And Theories - A Critical Analysis (Hardcover)

Rethinking Philosophical, Geopolitical and Economics Debates

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Product Specification & Summary

Islam is mostly acknowledged as the fastest growing religion in the world. The Quran declares Islam as the complete code of life. Thus, it can be comprehended that the completeness of Islam lies in its inclusiveness. Then why Muslims are often argued to be intolerant? Why is the concept of “Islamism” being debated to be a threat to global peace? Why do some of the Islamic groups and communities morbidly oppose one another?
The Quran differentiates the types of “faithful” with terms like “Mumin” and “Amanu,” but how many of us are aware of the differences between them? Also, the Quran acknowledges the previous Prophets and Messengers, yet why the long-continued battle among the religions is still an issue to have a dispute over? Are Islamic principles relevant to understanding the western philosophical concepts like Stoicism, Existentialism, Epicureanism, and etc.?
This book addresses all the questions mentioned above, and it critically assesses every answer discussed throughout the book. It focuses on the linguistic traits of the Quran while keeping different Hadiths and academic texts into account. This book aims at developing a theoretical background of the Islamic principles and practices followed by a number of Historical and Philosophical analyses.
Title Islamic Thoughts And Theories - A Critical Analysis
ISBN 9789849614913
Edition 1st Published, 2022
Number of Pages 296
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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Islamic Thoughts And Theories - A Critical Analysis

Hazzaz Ahmed

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