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লিভিং উইথ কোভিড-১৯ image

লিভিং উইথ কোভিড-১৯ (Hardcover)

Akhter Hussain

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লিভিং উইথ কোভিড-১৯

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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লিভিং উইথ কোভিড-১৯ (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

Covid 19 is an infectious disease that shook every nook and corner of the world and turned into a global pandemic. It has devastated human life and livelihoods. Due to the infection, millions in different countries have lost their lives. For quite some time, in fact, no one knew how to treat the patients infected with the virus. There were frantic efforts to develop a vaccine to contain the deadly spread of the Covid 19 virus. However, in record time, a number of vaccines were developed and they are now being used to combat the virus to save human lives. The book, ‘Living with Covid 19,’ is a collection of published selected articles and commentaries on different aspects and dimensions of human lives that are still being dictated, to a great extent, by the virus. Bangladesh, as a country, has been the primary focus of these articles. However, in many cases, international dimensions were also discussed and explored. The deadly menace of known as, “Covid 19” is not over yet. Different variants of the Covid 19 virus are turning up all the time, threating lives of people across the globe. The selected articles included in the book have the primary goal of recording the pandemic, whose extent, scale and deadliness have never been heard of or recorded in history.
Title লিভিং উইথ কোভিড-১৯
ISBN 9789848045787
Edition 1st Published, 2022
Number of Pages 132
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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লিভিং উইথ কোভিড-১৯

Akhter Hussain

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