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Finite Element Analysis Using Ansys 11.0 image

Finite Element Analysis Using Ansys 11.0 (Paperback)

Paleti Srinivas

Total: TK. 945

Finite Element Analysis Using Ansys 11.0

Edition, 2010


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Finite Element Analysis Using Ansys 11.0 (Paperback)

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TK. 945

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Product Specification & Summary

In this book, various pre- and postprocessing capabilities of ANSYS® such as mathematical model creation by direct generation/solid modeling approach, selection of appropriate element type from vast elements library, meshing techniques, solution procedures, retrieving and reviewing results using array parameters, element tables, path operations, and surface operations are explored. In this process, readers are gradually exposed to the ANSYS® environment while appreciating the simple and straightforward implementation of finite element method. A generalized step-by-step procedure has been adopted throughout the book for analysis of trusses, beams, plane stress and plane strain analysis, axisymmetric and three-dimensional solids, etc. More than 35 engineering problems have been comprehensively solved in ANSYS® graphical user interface (GUI) .
Elastic Theory of Reinforced concrete sections in flexure is presented in Chapter-4 along with some numerical examples of analysis of structural elements. The concepts of Limit State Method of design which includes the various limit states of collapse and serviceability such as deflections and cracking is presented in Chapter-5. In chapter-6, the ultimate strength of structural concrete members in flex- ure, shear, compression and torsion and their combinations followed by their serviceability requirements at working loads is presented in Chapter-7 The limit state method of designing, slabs, columns, footings, and retain- ing walls is presented in a logical sequence in Chapters 8 to 11. Typical Design examples are worked out using the Indian Standard Code: 456-2000 equations and also checked by the use of design aids such as SP: 16, generally used in design office to save time. The limit state design of different types of staircases such as doglegged, open well, and tread-riser configurations are presented in Chapter-12 fol- lowed by the design of corbels and nibs in Chapter-13. The theory and design of pile and raft foundations are detailed in Chapter-14. The traditional working stress method of design extensively used in the first half of the 20th century is presented in Chapter-15 with some numer- ical design examples.
Chapter-16 deals with detailing aspects of reinforcements in structural concrete members to be followed to achieve adequate strength and ser- viceability. A large number of figures are presented to illustrate the wrong and right methods of detailing of reinforcements in various structural concrete members. Chapter-17 deals with the principles of earthquake resistant design. The Indian standard codal recommendations regarding the detailing of mem- bers in seismic zone is presented.
Each chapter is fortified with a variety of worked numerical examples and a large number of practice examples are included at the end of each chapter to help the students preparing for university and competitive examinations. In keeping with the spirit of 'drawing is the language of the engineer', numerous figures have been included which it is hoped will help in a clearer understanding of the subject matter. S.I units have been adopted throughout the text for all design examples. Finally, the authors welcome constructive criticisms and useful sug- gestions, which will immensely help in updating and improving the con- tents of the book.
Title Finite Element Analysis Using Ansys 11.0
ISBN 9788120341081
Edition Edition, 2010
Number of Pages 548
Country India
Language English

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Finite Element Analysis Using Ansys 11.0

Paleti Srinivas

৳ 945 ৳945.0

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