Chapter 2 line defects; planar defects; crystal surfaces; Grüneisen's rule. Temperature dependence of resis- tivity, strain gauges, Hall effect; ionic conduction; Einstein relation for drift mobility and diffusion; ac conductivity; resistivity of thin films; interconnects in microelec- tronics; electromigration.
Chapter 3 Electron as a wave; infinite poten- tial well; confined electron in a finite potential energy well; stimu- lated emission and photon amplifi- cation; He-Ne laser, optical fiber amplification.
Chapter 4 Work function; electron photo- emission; secondary emission; electron affinity and photomulti- plication; Fermi-Dirac statistics; conduction in metals; thermoelec- tricity and Seebeck coefficient; thermocouples; phonon concentra- tion changes with temperature.
Chapter 5 Degenerate semiconductors; direct and indirect recombination; E vs. k diagrams for direct and indirect bandgap semiconductors; Schottky junction and depletion layer; Seebeck effect in semiconductors and voltage drift.
Chapter 6 The pn junction; direct bandgap pn junction; depletion layer capac- itance; linearly graded junction; hyperabrupt junctions; light emit- ting diodes (LEDs); quantum well high intensity LEDs; LED materi- als and structures; LED character- istics; LED spectrum; brightness