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দুই বাংলায় রবীন্দ্র নাট্যচর্চা ও অন্যান্য

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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দুই বাংলায় রবীন্দ্র নাট্যচর্চা ও অন্যান্য

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Product Specification & Summary

Dr. Md. Abdul Awal Khan, Professor of Education (Now on leave) and former chairman of the Department of Science Mathematics and Technology Education at the Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka is a man of vast experience in teaching and conducting Academic Research. He did his Ph.D. in Education from the M.S. University of Baroda, India in 1986.
He was appointed as Lecturer in Science and Mathematics Education in 1986. Since then he is associated in connection with teaching, academic as well as policy making research studies. Dr. Awal has 28 (Twenty eight) years teaching experience in graduate and post graduate level of Education.
Dr. Awal has the keen interest in teaching and to carry out research study in the field of technical teacher training, curriculum development, teacher education, Gender education and teaching impact in primary, secondary, technical
Title দুই বাংলায় রবীন্দ্র নাট্যচর্চা ও অন্যান্য
Country বাংলাদেশ
Language বাংলা

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দুই বাংলায় রবীন্দ্র নাট্যচর্চা ও অন্যান্য

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