Highlights of the Book • First part of the book is dedicated to paediatric COVID-19 with up-to-date information when published books on paediatric COVID-19 is so far rare in Bangladesh and elsewhere • Covered COVID-I9 epidemiology, virology, transmission, safety measures including by vaccine and by other physical measures, up-to-date management guideline of paediatric COVID including MIS-C in easily understandable form • Contains perinatal COVID-19 with current information • Second part contains up-to-date non-COVID paediatric condition with emerging clinical problem in Bangladesh • The Book contains more than 700 colored clinical photographs to complement clinical understanding • Pictorial immunization and infectious disease chapter with timeline has been provided • Features structured approach to assessment, investigation and management • Critical information's are highlighted with eye catching yellow color spotting, bullet and bolding of words and sentences • Summary points 'In a Nutshell' are provided at the end of most chapters which will help quick revision for students before examination • Section of self-assessment of the students with SQE, MCQ, Box questions are provided at the end of the chapters and model OSPE presented at the end of the book
কারেন্ট এ্যাসেনশিয়াল পেডিয়াট্রিক্স - Second Edition (COVID Edition)
PHD, MRCP, FRCP, FRCPCH Senior Consultant, Department of Pediatrics, United Hospital, Dhaka Ex: Professor, Academic Director and Director Bangladesh Shishu Hospital and Institute, Dhaka