With the advancement of 21st century, the technology of medicine is gaining more and more prominence in the form of investigative tools such as CT scans, MRIs etc. While this transformation is hugely beneficial to the medical community we cannot afford to overlook the importance of timetested approaches to bedside diagnosis such as clinical medicine. This book is designed to help undergraduate students understand the approach to clinical diagnosis and help them prepare for examinations as per the new curriculum. It contains a compilation of standard scheme of history taking and examination of different systems, examples of history taking documents, photographic aids to assist in examinations, along with some important notes and model questions and answers. it also includes guidance for investigations for final diagnosis. The students are advised to follow and practise history writing and examination according to the proforma laid down. With practice they will develop the habit of documenting the cases without omitting important points. The book is designed to be a companion book that will help undergraduate students in practical examinations covering long, short and spot cases. Moreover, the investigations mentioned in the text will also help advanced students understand the approach to the final diagnosis. In this book : History Taking and General Examination The Gastro-Intestinal System A Model Gastro-Intestinal Case (Chronic Liver Disease or Cirrhosis of Liver) The Cardiovascular System A Model Cardiological Case (Mitral Stenosis) The Respiratory System A Model Respiratory Case (Pleural Effusion) A Model Respiratory Case (Pneumothorax) The Nervous System A Model Neurological Case (CVA with Left Hemiplegia) A Model Neurological Case (Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome) The EYE Miscellaneous