Student Workbook for The Administrative Dental Assistant

5th Edition, 2022


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Student Workbook for The Administrative Dental Assistant (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Enhance your learning with a wealth of interactive exercises for practice, reinforcement, and recall! An indispensable companion to the textbook, the Student Workbook for The Administrative Dental Assistant, 5th Edition combines the key objectives and content of the book with challenging exercises - putting the information you need into a practical context. Separated by chapter for easy correlation to the text, the workbook contains chapter summaries; learning objectives; short-answer, matching, multiple-choice and/or fill-in-the-blank questions; case scenarios followed by critical thinking questions, new Computer Application Exercises; and fun puzzles to reinforce key terminology. The newly updated version of Dentrix Learning Edition practice management software, available for download on Evolve, is combined with original exercises in the workbook help you learn to navigate it, and new content includes dental office technology, communication and social media, and more. Correlation with the textbook enables students to follow along at every step to ensure their comprehension before moving forward. The newly updated version of Dentrix Learning Edition practice management software available for download on Evolve offers students practice using one of the most widely used programs in dental offices nationwide. Original practice management exercises developed by the text author work in conjunction with the Dentrix Learning Edition software to help students experience what it is like to work with dental practice management software. Review questions, exercises, and puzzles reinforce learning and offer students a myriad of opportunities for self-assessment. NEW and EXPANDED! New content reflects additions to the main text and focuses on technology in the dental office, HIPAA, communication and social media, patient recall and retention, coding, and cross-medical billing. NEW! Images throughout, with a focus on updates in technology. NEW! Computer application exercises assess student comprehension. UPDATED! Revised artwork throughout the workbook.
Title Student Workbook for The Administrative Dental Assistant
ISBN 9780323875752
Edition 5th Edition, 2022
Number of Pages 200
Country USA
Language English

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Student Workbook for The Administrative Dental Assistant

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