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গ্রউইং চিলড্রেন মাইন্ডস image

গ্রউইং চিলড্রেন মাইন্ডস (Paperback)

A.G.M. Obaidullah

TK. 50 Total: TK. 47
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গ্রউইং চিলড্রেন মাইন্ডস

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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গ্রউইং চিলড্রেন মাইন্ডস (Paperback)

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TK. 50 TK. 47 You Save TK. 3 (6%)

বর্তমানে প্রকাশনীতে এই বইটির মুদ্রিত কপি নেই। বইটি প্রকাশনীতে এভেইলেবল হলে এসএমএস/ইমেইলের মাধ্যমে নোটিফিকেশন পেতে রিকুয়েস্ট ফর রিপ্রিন্ট এ ক্লিক করুন।


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Product Specification & Summary

Children grow in mother's lap enjoying soothing jerkings of cradle. S/he grows from child to youth. With that his/her him/her. Those are all queries to know the unknown and world grows. Lot of questions/ inquisitiveness knocks unseen vast universe.
What is this, what is that? S/he throws thousands of questions to the father, mother, who created me? Moms usual answer- 'Allah'. How is that? Grandma told that I came
through your belly/ womb. Indeed who am I? What is the identity of human? Who is Allah? Why did i come to this Earth? What are my duties here? What is the area of duties?
What is the end of this world? Is there any reward or punishment?
Answer to these questions build the foundation of a growing child's mind.
We have a lot to do to groom up the children and youth of Bangladesh as ideal citizens giving them proper knowledge and effective moral training. As part of that mind is a small but easy book with the answers to the questions children facing every day.
Writer, essayist, composer and public speaker Mr. A.Z.M. Obaidullah translated the original text 'kishore mone proshno' in a very lucid and easy English for the English medium and version students mainly.
Our effort will be a success if this book helps children get the answers to develop their right future. May Allah accept all our endeavers to attain His kind pleasure. Ameen.
Title গ্রউইং চিলড্রেন মাইন্ডস
Edition 1st Published, 2022
Number of Pages 60
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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গ্রউইং চিলড্রেন মাইন্ডস

A.G.M. Obaidullah

৳ 47 ৳50.0

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