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The Enchanted Castle

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The Enchanted Castle (Paperback)

TK. 358

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Product Specification & Summary

“When you are young so many things are difficult to believe, and yet the dullest people will tell you that they are true... But the things that seem really likely, like fairy tales and magic, are, so say the grown-ups, not true at all. Yet they are so easy to believe, especially when you see them happening.” It’s their school holidays, and Jerry, Jimmy, and Kathleen are spending the day in the woods. While exploring, they chance upon a cave which leads them to an enchanted castle where they meet a princess. Join them as the princess takes them inside the castle and shows them the magical treasures. A fantasy novel for children, Nesbit’s the Enchanted castle is enjoyed by both children and adults alike. First published more than a century ago, it continues to delight its readers. This edition includes illustrations by H. R. Millar.
Title The Enchanted Castle
ISBN 9789389717143
Edition 1st published, 2019
Number of Pages 232
Country India
Language English

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The Enchanted Castle

E. Nesbit

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