Predicting Heart Failure

1st Edition, 2022


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Predicting Heart Failure (Hardcover)

Invasive, Non-Invasive, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence Based Methods

TK. 24,975

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Product Specification & Summary

Predicting Heart Failure: Invasive, Non-Invasive, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Based Methods focuses on the mechanics and symptoms of heart failure and various approaches, including conventional and modern techniques to diagnose it. This book also provides a comprehensive but concise guide to all modern cardiological practice, emphasizing practical clinical management in many different contexts. Predicting Heart Failure supplies readers with trustworthy insights into all aspects of heart failure, including essential background information on clinical practice guidelines, in-depth, peer-reviewed articles, and broad coverage of this fast-moving field. Readers will also find:
Discussion of the main characteristics of cardiovascular biosensors, along with their open issues for development and application
Summary of the difficulties of wireless sensor communication and power transfer, and the utility of artificial intelligence in cardiology
Coverage of data mining classification techniques, applied machine learning and advanced methods for estimating HF severity and diagnosing and predicting heart failure
Discussion of the risks and issues associated with the remote monitoring system
Assessment of the potential applications and future of implantable and wearable devices in heart failure prediction and detection
Artificial intelligence in mobile monitoring technologies to provide clinicians with improved treatment options, ultimately easing access to healthcare by all patient populations.
Providing the latest research data for the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure, Predicting Heart Failure: Invasive, Non-Invasive, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Based Methods is an excellent resource for nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, medical students, and general practitioners to gain a better understanding of bedside cardiology.
Title Predicting Heart Failure
ISBN 9781119813019
Edition 1st Edition, 2022
Number of Pages 352
Country USA
Language English

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Predicting Heart Failure

Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni

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