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Alice in Wonderland

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Alice in Wonderland (Paperback)

TK. 358

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Alice, an ordinary young girl craving for adventure, discovers a wonderland in her dreams. . On a warm summer day, sitting on a riverbank, Alice is bored and drowsy. Following a talking White Rabbit, she falls a long way down a rabbit-hole only to find herself in a dreamlike fantasy world. Running into some of the most entertaining characters in English literature—The White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter, the Mock Turtle, the Cheshire Cat and the King and Queen of Hearts—and being variously mistaken for a housemaid, a serpent, a volcano, a flower and a monster, all in the breath of a single afternoon, Alice is left intrigued and bewildered in equal measure. If this is a magical world, where anything can happen, how will Alice ever find her way back home?Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, a whimsically inventive tale, still enchants the readers regardless of their age, with its exceptionally conjured up nonsense dream world and deliciously mad dialogues. It has been adapted into various television series and numerous films. with an enormously influential narrative course, structure, characters and imagery, it continues to influence and inspire many other works of art even a hundred and fifty years after it was first written.
Title Alice in Wonderland
ISBN 9788175992986
Edition 1st published, 2015
Number of Pages 128
Country India
Language English

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Alice in Wonderland

Lewis Carroll

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