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গুফি প্লে উইথ অ্যালফাবেট

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গুফি প্লে উইথ অ্যালফাবেট (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

"Introducing ""Goofi - Play with Alphabet,"" an engaging activity book designed to introduce the English language to preschool children. With a focus on fun and effective learning, this innovative book takes children on a journey through the English alphabet from A to Z.
Each alphabet in this activity book comes with exciting activities and features, ensuring children not only have fun but also learn the alphabets thoroughly.
Through a variety of classic games and activities such as mazes, drawing, and brainstorming tasks, ""Goofi - Play with Alphabet"" helps children develop creativity and problem-solving skills.
While adult supervision may be needed initially, children will quickly gain confidence and independence as they progress through the book.
Activity Features:
Coloring Fun: Children can enjoy coloring outlined pictures while also matching objects with their respective letters, making alphabet learning both enjoyable and educational.
Letter Recognition: Engaging English alphabet games help increase children's attention span and reinforce letter recognition skills.
Maze Challenges: Solving mazes not only provides entertainment but also enhances children's problem-solving and creativity skills in a fun way.
Alphabet Art: Drawing pictures from alphabets stimulates children's imagination and observation abilities, making learning the alphabet a creative adventure.
""Goofi - Play with Alphabet"" is the perfect companion for preschoolers as they embark on their journey to mastering the English alphabet."
Title গুফি প্লে উইথ অ্যালফাবেট
ISBN 9789849383604
Edition 2nd Edition, 2022
Number of Pages 200
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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গুফি প্লে উইথ অ্যালফাবেট

Tahmina Rahman

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