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বাংলাদেশ জার্নাল অফ ল

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As a part of the regular publication of Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA), Volume 20 Issue 1 of the Bangladesh Journal of Law (BJL) has attracted some high-quality submissions highlighting a great variety of research topics. The present issue features articles on various legal concepts and delves into some crucial legal matters of national as well as international importance. It contains seven articles which, in their own ways, contribute to a better understanding of a various range of issues. Included among them are articles on the significance of the Proclamation of Independence of Bangladesh, human rights during pandemic, measures directed to settlement of the Rohingya problem, the methodological conundrum in the identification of Jus Cogens norms in International Law, an overview of consumer activism in Bangladesh, protection of traditional knowledge under Intellectual Property Rights system, ensuring comprehensive justice for rape victims in Bangladesh, etc. The readers will notice that these subjects and areas captured in the volume are broader in range and enriched with innovative ideas and argumentations. We hope readers at large will find this volume useful and relevant in a changing world.
Title বাংলাদেশ জার্নাল অফ ল
Edition By Annual
Number of Pages 184
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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বাংলাদেশ জার্নাল অফ ল

Professor Dr. Mizanur Rahman

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