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দ্যা রোহিঙ্গাস অ্যা লং হিস্টোরি অফ জেনোসাইড image

দ্যা রোহিঙ্গাস অ্যা লং হিস্টোরি অফ জেনোসাইড (Hardcover)

MD Solaiman

TK. 450 Total: TK. 360
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দ্যা রোহিঙ্গাস অ্যা লং হিস্টোরি অফ জেনোসাইড

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দ্যা রোহিঙ্গাস অ্যা লং হিস্টোরি অফ জেনোসাইড (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

This book focuses solely on a thorough analysis of refugee law. This research is concerned with the causes of the Rohingya refugee crisis, international law, genocide, Rohingya rights, and Bangladesh's security.

The author also highlights the Burmese Army's criminal responsibility, political leaders' silence on the issue, and the shortcomings of the International Criminal Court (ICC). I was pleased to review the book ‘THE ROHINGYAS: A LONG HISTORY OF GENOCIDE,’ written by Barrister Md Solaiman. After reading the entire book and upon closer inspection, I have discovered that it is composed of the author's actual research.

The author outlined a theoretical framework using logic and analysis. The book's layout and fictional appearance are appropriate for a research publication. I have to admit that this book, both domestically and internationally, is exceptional in its field.

Despite the Rohingya refugee crisis being a common occurrence in South Asia, there are no regional or national legal frameworks in place to handle the refugees. The author has accurately pinpointed the causes of the refugee crisis and examined potential solutions.

The author has provided a thorough analysis of the refugee laws in various countries, concentrating on how to identify the issues. The author has examined a number of significant issues, including genocide, violations of human rights, the rights of Rohingya refugees, and the ICC's (International Criminal Court) limitations.

The book is essentially a continuous work of international laws governing refugees, genocide, and human rights. The author has noted some distinctions between the current laws on genocide, refugees, and human rights. I appreciate the author's distinct writing and research techniques. Students, academics, researchers, attorneys, judges, advocates for human rights, journalists, and other interested readers of human rights and international laws will find this book to be of great use.

For the Rohingya issue to be resolved, India, China, and Russia should all play significant roles. Furthermore, the UN should implement its policies to resolve the Rohingya crisis, as it has labeled the killing of the Rohingya as genocide and has both financial and military resources at its disposal. Above all, Myanmar should act decisively to advance democracy and end the Rohingya crisis.
Professor Abul Quasem Fazlul Huq
Professor Ahmed Sharif Chair, University of Dhaka
Former Chairman, Department of Bengali
Dhaka University.
Title দ্যা রোহিঙ্গাস অ্যা লং হিস্টোরি অফ জেনোসাইড
ISBN 9789849653387
Edition 1st Published 2023
Number of Pages 159
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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দ্যা রোহিঙ্গাস অ্যা লং হিস্টোরি অফ জেনোসাইড

MD Solaiman

৳ 360 ৳450.0

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