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Colditz : Prisoners of the Castle (Paperback)

Ben Macintyre

Total: TK. 1,438

Colditz : Prisoners of the Castle

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Colditz : Prisoners of the Castle (Paperback)

TK. 1,438

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In a forbidding Gothic castle on a hilltop in the heart of Nazi Germany, an unlikely band of British officers spent the Second World War plotting daring escapes from their German captors. Or so the story of Colditz has gone, unchallenged for 70 years. But that tale contains only part of the truth. The astonishing inside story, revealed for the first time in this new book by bestselling historian Ben Macintyre, is a tale of the indomitable human spirit, but also one of snobbery, class conflict, homosexuality, bullying, espionage, boredom, insanity and farce. With access to an astonishing range of material, Macintyre reveals a remarkable cast of characters of multiple nationalities hitherto hidden from history, with captors and prisoners living for years cheek-by-jowl in a thrilling game of cat and mouse. From the elitist members of the Colditz Bullingdon Club to America's oldest paratrooper and least successful secret agent, the soldier-prisoners of Colditz were courageous and resilient as well as vulnerable and fearful -- and astonishingly imaginative in their desperate escape attempts. Deeply researched and full of incredible human stories, this is the definitive book on Colditz.
Title Colditz : Prisoners of the Castle
ISBN 9780241408537
Number of Pages 384
Country India
Language English

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Colditz : Prisoners of the Castle

Ben Macintyre

৳ 1,438 ৳1438.0

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