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দি টাইম উই আর পাসিং থ্রো image

দি টাইম উই আর পাসিং থ্রো (Hardcover)

Noore Alam Siddiqui

TK. 500 Total: TK. 375
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দি টাইম উই আর পাসিং থ্রো

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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দি টাইম উই আর পাসিং থ্রো (Hardcover)

TK. 500 TK. 375 You Save TK. 125 (25%)
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Product Specification & Summary

This book will help you to create a state of mind where you would become more logical, more humane and cannot but reshape your thinking deserting your typical mindset on various social, political, economic, environmental and humanitarian issues around the world. This will also help you to adapt yourself to this fastest-changing ICT-based electro-mechanical world where our green planet has been reduced to a global village and the 4th industrial revolution has already been visible. This book is the collection of some of my articles published in the national English dailies of Bangladesh based on contemporary local and global political, economic, social, environmental, religious and humanitarian issues during the period from 2015 to 2019. Though most of the articles in this book were written on various contemporary issues a substantial number of those have a long-term appeal and the reader would get something valuable to enrich their knowledge as well as to reshape their thinking. So go through my articles, update yourself, understand the critical mindset, human nature and reshape your thinking.
Title দি টাইম উই আর পাসিং থ্রো
ISBN 978-984-97252-5-1
Edition প্রথম প্রকাশ ২০২৩
Number of Pages 208
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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দি টাইম উই আর পাসিং থ্রো

Noore Alam Siddiqui

৳ 375 ৳500.0

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