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অনিক মামা এন্ড হিস ট্রুপ্স এক্সপ্লোর দ্য সুন্দরবন্স image

অনিক মামা এন্ড হিস ট্রুপ্স এক্সপ্লোর দ্য সুন্দরবন্স (Hardcover)

Roksana Ahmed

TK. 250 Total: TK. 200
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অনিক মামা এন্ড হিস ট্রুপ্স এক্সপ্লোর দ্য সুন্দরবন্স

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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অনিক মামা এন্ড হিস ট্রুপ্স এক্সপ্লোর দ্য সুন্দরবন্স (Hardcover)

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Climate change is the biggest threat to the future generation. Through my writing I wanted to show how our children should deal with climate change. As the brave and new generation they should play their part with due responsibilities to the Planet Earth. They should not aggravate the effects of climate change, instead they should help stop the damage.
Through my writing I have expressed my wishful thinking where children get rejuvenated with their spirit of youth, get bold and creative and solve the climate change problems.
In my writing I wanted to make people aware of climate change and its drastic effects.
I have selected the name 'Anik Mama and his Troops explore the Sundarbans' because it's my belief that we can still save the planet if we streamline our energy and resources towards stopping the pollution and recovering our Green Planet. It is no daydream to get our Planet back with no pollution, no emissions and no congestion. Children are the least responsible for climate change, yet they will bear the greatest burden of its impact.
There are always things that we can do to fight against climate change. From the way we travel, to the electricity we use and the food we eat, we can make a difference.
We all should take the initiative to resolve the climate crisis. When will you do your part?
Title অনিক মামা এন্ড হিস ট্রুপ্স এক্সপ্লোর দ্য সুন্দরবন্স
ISBN 9789849675174
Edition 1st Published, 2023
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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অনিক মামা এন্ড হিস ট্রুপ্স এক্সপ্লোর দ্য সুন্দরবন্স

Roksana Ahmed

৳ 200 ৳250.0

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