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সিক্স সিজনস রিভিউ ভলিউম ৭

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সিক্স সিজনস রিভিউ ভলিউম ৭ (Hardcover)

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বর্তমানে প্রকাশনীতে এই বইটির মুদ্রিত কপি নেই। বইটি প্রকাশনীতে এভেইলেবল হলে এসএমএস/ইমেইলের মাধ্যমে নোটিফিকেশন পেতে রিকুয়েস্ট ফর রিপ্রিন্ট এ ক্লিক করুন।


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Product Specification & Summary

This is the third time Six Seasons Review is being launched We began our journey in 2001 as a magazine devoted mainly re publishing creative writing-as our first editorial put it and eager to meet the felt need for an "English-Language-Indian-sub continental international periodical devoted exclusively to arts and letters" Our original intention was thus: to appear before readers with the best selection of imaginative works in English regularly. Unfortunately, suffering the fate of not a few literary magazines, ours did not go beyond three issues then.
The editors of Six Seasons Review, however, soon found in Bengal Foundation a true patron of arts and literature ready to venture forth with us once more to relaunch the journal. And so eleven years later in 2012, a new series of Six Seasons Review was launched. We believed even more strongly at that time what we had felt initially: "there is a definite need for a lively English-language little magazine from Bangladesh that will feature quality experimental and creative writing from the region as well as the wider world." After all, the Hay Festival held in the British Council that year had attracted wide attention. Indeed, the festival became a regular November feature for a couple of years. It was then replaced by the Dhaka Lit Fest in 2015. More and more writers contributing to our periodical who also featured in the festival signaled clearly that English writing in our part of the world was gathering pace all the time.
Unfortunately, the second series did not take Six Seasons Review very far. Among other things, the pandemic years impacted our lives quite hard in all sorts of ways; periodicals of our kind and the Dhaka Lit Fest were obvious casualties. Nevertheless, the creative spark in our writers made sure that they would be writing even when outlets for their works seemed so vulnerable.
And thus it is that in the post-pandemic world bent on recovery and reconstruction, Bengal Foundation has ventured to launch the third series of Six Seasons Review. We were able to reassemble our creative team and production units almost immediately afterwards. And no sooner that we gave out a call for papers we found our contributors of yesteryears submitting their works once again to us enthusiastically. As well, we have been able to attract some new contributors ready to publish their poetry and fiction with us equally enthusiastically.
We believe you will like this Six Seasons Review issue as much as you have liked our past ones. We hope, too, that you will continue to support and endorse the journal which will no doubt inspire others to join its list of dedicated readers. We are sure this will lead to the joy of a periodical showcasing contemporary literary treasures presented in the English language that merit international as well as national attention.
Thank you for being with us once again and we look forward to your readerly attention in the years to come!
-The Editors
Title সিক্স সিজনস রিভিউ ভলিউম ৭
Edition 1st Published, 2023
Number of Pages 148
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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সিক্স সিজনস রিভিউ ভলিউম ৭

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