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ইকোস ফ্রম দ্যা চক্রাস (Paperback)

Kashfy Ahsan

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ইকোস ফ্রম দ্যা চক্রাস

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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ইকোস ফ্রম দ্যা চক্রাস (Paperback)

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The very first experience with meditation is a magnificent memory for every meditator. The first meditation you ever do is like an opening gate of a new universe. Strolling around this new land is where a spirit meets freedom. The moment you start the journey to the inside, each individual becomes a soul traveler. They explore that untapped universe inside them for the first time. This experience is very profound and private. Only the individual can comprehend the real beauty of those discoveries. But, I was a journeyman in the world of words before. For being a commercial writer of advertisements professionally, and being a seeker of fleeing verses everywhere personally. My innate nature to express experiences through words couldn’t disappear. One Friday morning while doing “Chakra Breathing Meditation”, I realized the chakras (energy centers in our body) were communicating with me. One of the chakras told me, “Write down these messages you get from meditation. Write them for others. Let these echos reach those who can relate. Compile them, finish them, publish them, share them with people who know about the universe within," And from there, the journey to write them down through this collection started!
Title ইকোস ফ্রম দ্যা চক্রাস
Edition 1st Published, 2023
Number of Pages 22
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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ইকোস ফ্রম দ্যা চক্রাস

Kashfy Ahsan

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