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আই অন দ্যা বল (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

Short description:
A pictorial coffee table book that records the history of cricket in the sub-continent starting from the 18th century with special focus on Bangladesh right up to the current Bangladesh- India series.
Long description
A stunning must have pictorial book on the history of the game'a arrival in the Indian subcontinent.
It is high profile book that illustrates the trials and tribulations of Bangladesh cricket, its journey from rags to riches, its heartaches and joys, and its colorful and unifying factor in keeping Bangladeshi hopes alive. It also presents the beauty of Bangladesh, not only to a foreigner but also to Bangladeshis who have missed the boat to experience the natural beauty of this country. It is a Bangladeshi product that will make the reader delve into it almost of a daily basis.
Definitely a collector's item, the book has 352 pages of nearly 700 images that tells amazing stories
Title আই অন দ্যা বল
ISBN 9780578301006
Edition 1st Edition, 2023
Number of Pages 352
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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আই অন দ্যা বল

Yousuf Rahman

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