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টুওয়ার্ডস গোল্ডেন বেঙ্গল (থটস অফ তাগোরে এন্ড বঙ্গবন্ধু ও ইনক্লুসিভে ডেভেলোপমেন) image

টুওয়ার্ডস গোল্ডেন বেঙ্গল (থটস অফ তাগোরে এন্ড বঙ্গবন্ধু ও ইনক্লুসিভে ডেভেলোপমেন) (Hardcover)

Atiur Rahman

TK. 650 Total: TK. 533
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টুওয়ার্ডস গোল্ডেন বেঙ্গল (থটস অফ তাগোরে এন্ড বঙ্গবন্ধু ও ইনক্লুসিভে ডেভেলোপমেন)

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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টুওয়ার্ডস গোল্ডেন বেঙ্গল (থটস অফ তাগোরে এন্ড বঙ্গবন্ধু ও ইনক্লুসিভে ডেভেলোপমেন) (Hardcover)

Thoughts of Tagore and Bangabandhu on Inclusive Developmen

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Product Specification & Summary

This book communicates the thoughts about the life and works of the two greatest Bangalis- Rabindranath Tagore and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Both dreamt of a prosperous Goldeb Bengal. In the first part, a total of eight articles on Tagore have been compiled. These present an overview of Tagore's thoughts on socio-economic development and his emphasis on inclusivity. A couple of write-ups focusing on the relevance of Tagore's thoughts in today's world have also been compiled in this part. Bangabandhu is perhaps the only political leader who succeeded the most in guiding his nation along the path of inclusiveness as envisaged by Tagore. In the second part of this book, a few write-ups on Bangabandhu have been compiled which reflect his vision. for inclusive development. These write-ups have covered some selected aspects of Bangabandhu's leadership including his singular role in the historic progression of East Bengal's autonomy; his kinship with Bengalis from all walks of life; and the challenges he overcame to start Bangladesh's transformative journey from the scratch to prosperity in the post-liberation phase. The write-ups compiled in the book will help readers get a holistic narrative about the linkage and relevance of development philosophies of these two greatest Bengalis.
Title টুওয়ার্ডস গোল্ডেন বেঙ্গল (থটস অফ তাগোরে এন্ড বঙ্গবন্ধু ও ইনক্লুসিভে ডেভেলোপমেন)
ISBN 9789849676867
Edition 1st Edition, 2023
Number of Pages 167
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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টুওয়ার্ডস গোল্ডেন বেঙ্গল (থটস অফ তাগোরে এন্ড বঙ্গবন্ধু ও ইনক্লুসিভে ডেভেলোপমেন)

Atiur Rahman

৳ 533 ৳650.0

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