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কনটেমপোরারি ইস্যুস ইন সোস্যাল সাইন্সেস image

কনটেমপোরারি ইস্যুস ইন সোস্যাল সাইন্সেস (Hardcover)

Akbar Hussain

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কনটেমপোরারি ইস্যুস ইন সোস্যাল সাইন্সেস

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কনটেমপোরারি ইস্যুস ইন সোস্যাল সাইন্সেস (Hardcover)

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I am very delighted to write about authors of this volume for their contribution to publish this book. They are performing a great job in teaching and research. Their contribution in nation building is always acknowledged. The university faculty are always at the top honoured position and status in the society because of their role in the production of knowledge, transfer that to the students and guide the future generations to lead the country future endeavor. Considering such background, the truth is that the scarcity of resources of the university limits the potentiality of the faculty members to conduct much research and contribution. The university is providing a minimal support to the faculty to conduct research each year as a part of its responsibility to keep the teachers engaged in research and teaching besides updating their professional activates. Jahangirnagar University allocated a few number of research projects among the faculty members in last years. Many of those research have been published and some of those were in the process to be published.
Title কনটেমপোরারি ইস্যুস ইন সোস্যাল সাইন্সেস
ISBN 9789849606482
Edition 1st Edition, 2023
Number of Pages 264
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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কনটেমপোরারি ইস্যুস ইন সোস্যাল সাইন্সেস

Akbar Hussain

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