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রেনুর পুতুল (Paperback)

Akasholina Nidhi

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রেনুর পুতুল

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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রেনুর পুতুল (Paperback)

TK. 400 TK. 320 You Save TK. 80 (20%)
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The ferryman, cars, and buses were making alot of noises. The noises woke Joya up. She got annoyed and layed down again to sleep. 
But then, ‘School!!’, she remembered. She looks at the clock and to her disbelief it was 8 o’ clock. She rubs her eyes and looks at the clock again, but the clock doesn't seem to care, but it seems it has gone a couple seconds more. Joya gets scared and a little sad, ‘I will be late for school. I won’t be able to go to the assembly and sing the national anthem.’, she thinks to herself.
She gets down from the bed, still a little upset, and goes to the bathroom to get ready. Quickly, she gets ready, puts on her uniform and heads to the dining table. To her surprise her mom and dad had already set the table and were eating breakfast, this never happens. Joya’s mom, Soma, always gets up and makes Joya get up by saying ‘Joya, wake up, you’ll be late for school!’. And today she is so late but they didn’t even call her.
Title রেনুর পুতুল
ISBN 9789848071618
Edition 1st Edition : Ekushe Boimela 2023
Number of Pages 96
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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রেনুর পুতুল

Akasholina Nidhi

৳ 320 ৳400.0

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