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ফেয়ারলেস ফ্যালকন

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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ফেয়ারলেস ফ্যালকন (Hardcover)

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Liberation of Bangladesh began after following the trail of genocide perpetrated by heinous elements of Pakistan Military and their collaborators. History reserves very less sympathy for the sacrifices made by the people, as after the war was over, their names slowly fade from the public memory and subsequently from pages of history. An effort has been made to write a living history of happenings of 1971 by visiting and revisiting the battlefields and places of genocide, after talking to the veterans who had participated in those battles, talking to local people who were witness of occurrences, talking to the victims of the war and many others. It is those people who have witnessed the bloody struggle who can give the best evidences. In 1971, when we participated in the war, we had the realization that the fate of the coming unborn millions of citizens of our country would depend on our determination and fortitude to liberate the country from occupation. We did not fail our coming generation than and today, we have to write and document these facts for them. As for our comrades who never returned from the battlefields to tell their stories, it is our solemn obligation to prioritize the writings on them. They, like honorable men and women, paid their debt when due. They died so that this nation could live and as such a slice of history should be devoted to them.
Title ফেয়ারলেস ফ্যালকন
ISBN 9789843417329
Edition 2nd Edition, 2023
Number of Pages 107
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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ফেয়ারলেস ফ্যালকন

Lt. Colonel (retd) Kazi Sajjad Ali Zahir Bir Protik

৳ 309 ৳320.0

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