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ল এন্ড প্রাকটিস অন ডাবলিওএকিওএফএস ইন বাংলাদেশ image

ল এন্ড প্রাকটিস অন ডাবলিওএকিওএফএস ইন বাংলাদেশ (হার্ডকভার)

মোঃ আব্দুল হালিম

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ল এন্ড প্রাকটিস অন ডাবলিওএকিওএফএস ইন বাংলাদেশ

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ল এন্ড প্রাকটিস অন ডাবলিওএকিওএফএস ইন বাংলাদেশ (হার্ডকভার)

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Product Specification & Summary

This book titled Law and Practice on Wakfs in Bangladesh contains judicial decisions and also other relevant laws on wakfs along with model wakfs deeds and formats of pleadings which practitioners need to use in their day to day professional life. The Government has recently enacted a new law on wakf property management, i.e., ওয়াক্ক (সম্পত্তির হস্তান্তর ও উন্নয়ন) বিশেষ বিধান আইন, ২০১৩.
This latest piece of legislation has also been discussed in this book. Although this book is not designed as an academic text, first two chapters deal with purely academic and theoretical aspects which will surely assist teachers and students in their educational side on philanthropic laws in Bangladesh.
The specialty of this book lies in its Part-C and Part-D which deal with formal formats of pleadings and wakf deeds which legal practitioners need to use in drafting wakf deeds and preparing pleadings for wakfs matters in the higher judiciary.
The contents of this book have been divided into four parts: Part-A containing two chapters with academic discussions on Wakfs in general and Wakfs under the Wakfs Ordinance, 1962. Part-B deals with the Waqfs Ordinance, 1962 with exhaustive judicial decisions; this part also has newly enacted legislation on wakfs property management, i.e., ওয়াক্ক (সম্পত্তির হস্তান্তর ও উন্নয়ন) বিশেষ বিধান আইন, ২০১৩. Part-C contains various pleadings on waqfs matters like memo of appeal, format of civil revision and writs. Part-D deals with the Waqfs Rules, 1975 and four different types of Waaf Deeds both English and Bengali.
Title ল এন্ড প্রাকটিস অন ডাবলিওএকিওএফএস ইন বাংলাদেশ
ISBN 9789849500797
Edition 3rd Edition, 2023
Number of Pages 390
Country Bangladesh
Language Bangla & English

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ল এন্ড প্রাকটিস অন ডাবলিওএকিওএফএস ইন বাংলাদেশ

মোঃ আব্দুল হালিম

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