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How Business Works

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How Business Works (Hardcover)

TK. 2,338

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Product Specification & Summary

If you're perplexed by profit margins, confused by cash flow, or baffled by balance sheets, all your questions and many more are answered in this indispensable business book. Get to grips with how companies work, from research and development, to sales and marketing, and production and distribution. Eye-catching visual aids give a helpful representation of each and every aspect of business, while complex subjects are broken down into concise explanations, expressed in easy-to-understand language. Crammed with essential terms and key concepts, How Business Works is perfect for anyone looking to take their business to the next level, or those learning the ropes from the ground to the top. Within this one-stop guide you will find: -Hundreds of colorful images and engaging graphics -Demystifying explanations of complex theories and financial jargon -Up-to-date guidance on remote and flexible business strategies -Comprehensive information about international business practice, equipping you with the skills to tackle the global marketplace Whether you're launching a startup, having trouble managing stakeholder relationships, or simply interested in all things business, you wont find a more comprehensive guide than this! Much more than a standard business management or self help book, How Business Works shows you what other titles only tell you, combining solid reference with no-nonsense advice. Having trouble adjusting to our working from home business culture? This new and improved edition includes the latest tips and techniques to help you stay motivated and achieve the best possible results while working remotely. Reach new heights of personal development! Take your learning to the next level with How Management Works and How to Start Your Own Business - the perfect learning companions to accompany this practical business reference book. Want to stretch your brain even further? Discover DK's extremely successful How ... works series, a curated collection of more than a dozen graphic reference books covering topics from psychology, to technology and music, and many more!
Title How Business Works
ISBN 9780241515655
Edition 1st published, 2022
Number of Pages 352
Country India
Language English

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