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The E-Myth Dentist

Edition, 2023


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The E-Myth Dentist (Hardcover)

Why Most Dental Practices Don't Work and What to Do About It

TK. 48,600

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Product Specification & Summary

Running a successful dental practice is a juggling act. You need expertise in your area of dentistry to provide services to clients. You also need the know-how to run a small business. You've probably been well-prepared by your education and experience for the technical ins and outs of dental practice. Yet what training has prepared you to run a business? The E-Myth Dentist fills this knowledge gap, giving you a complete toolkit for either starting a successful practice from scratch or maximizing an existing practice's performance. Loaded with practical, powerful advice you can easily use, this one-stop guide helps you realize all the benefits that come with a thriving dental business. Leading a dental practice can seem like a daunting task, with too few hours in the day, too many petty management issues, and problems dentists in large practices don't seem to face. The E-Myth Dentist offers you a road map to create a dental business that's self-sufficient, growing, and highly profitable. Take your business to levels you didn't think possible with this unique guide!
Title The E-Myth Dentist
ISBN 9781618350251
Edition Edition, 2023
Number of Pages 220
Country India
Language English

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