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The Fan: Fashion and Femininity Unfolded

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The Fan: Fashion and Femininity Unfolded (Hardcover)

TK. 5,428

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"Women are armed with fans as men with swords, and sometimes do more execution with them."--The Spectator, 1711 Fans have existed for at least five thousand years in cultures as diverse as ancient Egypt, India, and China. Arguably the most fascinating ornament in fashion, the fan has a deep and colorful history. The Fan is a visual celebration of the fan through time, richly illustrated with art culled from the world's premier fan museums and private collectors and with original photography. In an engaging overview of the fan throughout history, fashion curator Valerie Steele discusses the development of the fan, famous fans, fan artisans, and the fan's function at its height of glory during the eighteenth century and the Belle Epoque. The Fan is a beautiful, informative, and entertaining introduction to one of the most compelling fashion accessories of all time.
Title The Fan: Fashion and Femininity Unfolded
ISBN 9780847824465
Edition 1st Published, 2002
Number of Pages 128
Country India
Language English

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The Fan: Fashion and Femininity Unfolded

Valerie Steele

৳ 5,428 ৳5428.0

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