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5G Wireless: A Comprehensive Introduction

1st Published, 2021


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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5G Wireless: A Comprehensive Introduction (Paperback)

TK. 8,258

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Gain a Deep, Practical Understanding of 5G Technology, Applications, Architecture, Standards, and Ecosystem The 5G ultra-high-speed wireless communication standard is a major technological leap forward--substantially increasing speed and capacity, enhancing current use cases, and making many new applications practical. For technical professionals, managers, and students, 5G requires significant new knowledge and expertise. In 5G Wireless: A Comprehensive Introduction, renowned information technology author William Stallings presents a comprehensive and unified explanation of 5G's key applications, technologies, and standards. Like Stallings' other award-winning texts, this guide will help you quickly find the information and gain the mastery to succeed with critical new technology. Stallings first explains how cellular networks have evolved through 4G and now 5G, and surveys 5G's application areas and use cases. Next, he thoroughly introduces the 5G core network, covering SDN, NFV, network slicing, QoS, and edge computing--and provides a detailed coverage of the 5G air interface and radio access network. Throughout, key concepts are illuminated through realistic examples, review questions help you test your understanding, and references support further exploration. Understand the 5G ecosystem, its building blocks, standards, and R
Title 5G Wireless: A Comprehensive Introduction
ISBN 9780136767145
Edition 1st Published, 2021
Number of Pages 672
Country India
Language English

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5G Wireless: A Comprehensive Introduction

William Stallings

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