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Business Data Communications

6th edition, 2008


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Business Data Communications (Paperback)

TK. 19,741

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Product Specification & Summary

Business Data Communications, 6/e,is ideal for use in Business Data Communications, Data Communications, and introductory Networking for Business courses. Business Data Communications, 6/e,covers the fundamentals of data communications, networking, distributed applications, and network management and security. Stallings presents these concepts in a way that relates specifically to the business environment and the concerns of business management and staff, structuring his text around requirements, ingredients, and applications. While making liberal use of real-world case studies and charts and graphs to provide a business perspective, the book also provides the student with a solid grasp of the technical foundation of business data communications. Throughout the text, references to the interactive, online animations supply a powerful tool in understanding complex protocol mechanis
Title Business Data Communications
ISBN 9780136067412
Edition 6th edition, 2008
Number of Pages 624
Country India
Language English

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Business Data Communications

William Stallings

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