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পিএইচপি ৭ ইন ইজি স্টেপ

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পিএইচপি ৭ ইন ইজি স্টেপ (Paperback)

TK. 1,768

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Product Specification & Summary

PHP 7 in easy steps will teach you to code server-side scripts. It begins by explaining how to install a free web server and the PHP interpreter to create an environment in which you can produce your own data-driven server-side web pages. You will learn how to write PHP server-side scripts and how to make MySQL database queries. Examples illustrate how to store and retrieve Session Data, how to provide a Message Board, and how to access Web Services APIs over Hypertext Transfer Protocol. PHP 7 in easy steps has an easy-to-follow style that will appeal to anyone who wants to begin producing data-driven web pages, as well as to web developers wanting to add server-side interaction to their websites, and the programmer who quickly wants to add PHP to his or her skills set. It will also appeal to the hobbyists who want to begin creating scripts for upload to their own ISP, the student, and to those seeking a career in computing who need a fundamental understanding of server-side programming with PHP.
Title পিএইচপি ৭ ইন ইজি স্টেপ
ISBN 9781840787184
Edition 1st Published, 2016
Number of Pages 192
Country ভারত
Language বাংলা

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