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Penguin-Pedia: Photographs and Facts from One Man's Search for the Penguins of the World

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Penguin-Pedia: Photographs and Facts from One Man's Search for the Penguins of the World (Hardcover)

TK. 2,633

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An exhaustive resource for penguin-o-philes, amateur and academic alike, Penguin-Pedia unites careful analysis of the behavior, habitat, reproduction, feeding habits, and population levels of all seventeen penguin species with the author s personal observations and reflections. Each chapter draws on a wealth of scientific data and reports, as well as providing detailed measurements and weights of penguins from various colonies and nests. An extensive bibliography will direct students of the penguin to scholarly books and journals, while dozens of full-color photographs of penguins in their natural habitat and personal accounts provide entertainment for the layman. A full directory of penguin exhibiting zoos from around the world completes this source of all things penguin. Penguins have become a standard fixture in both zoos and imaginations for centuries. But beyond the classic tuxedo markings of the Emperor penguin and what we see in childrens cartoons, how much do we really know about these fascinating creatures? How aware are we of the perpetual danger in which these animals find themselves after so many years of environmental abuse on the part of humans? David Salomon has traveled the world photographing and studying the various species and subspecies of penguin. From the sleek Galapagos penguin to the bushy-eyebrowed Rockhopper penguin, Salomon combines personal accounts of his trips to remote penguin habitats at the far edges of the world with a comprehensive survey of all available scientific data for the various penguin species. Penguin-Pedia is a wealth of information on penguin behavior, habits, population, and endangerment. Full of David's own up-close photography, Penguin-Pedia will bring you into the fascinating world of the penguin.
Title Penguin-Pedia: Photographs and Facts from One Man's Search for the Penguins of the World
ISBN 9781612540153
Edition 1st Published, 2011
Number of Pages 312
Country India
Language English

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Penguin-Pedia: Photographs and Facts from One Man's Search for the Penguins of the World

David Salomon

৳ 2,633 ৳2633.0

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