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Core Java Server Faces

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Core Java Server Faces (Paperback)

TK. 3,488

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Product Specification & Summary

JavaServer Faces (JSF) is quickly emerging as the leading solution for rapid user interface development in Java-based server-side applications. Now, Core JavaServer™ Faces–the #1 guide to JSF–has been thoroughly updated in this second edition, covering the latest feature enhancements, the powerful Ajax development techniques, and open source innovations that make JSF even more valuable. Authors David Geary and Cay Horstmann delve into all facets of JSF 1.2 development, offering systematic best practices for building robust applications, minimizing handcoding, and maximizing productivity. Drawing on unsurpassed insider knowledge of the Java platform, they present solutions, hints, tips, and “how-tos” for writing superior JSF 1.2 production code, even if you’re new to JSF, JavaServer Pages™, or servlets. The second edition’s extensive new coverage includes: JSF 1.2’s improved alignment with the broader Java EE 5 platform; enhancements to the JSF APIs; controlling Web flow with Shale; and using Facelets to replace JSP with XHTML markup. The authors also introduce Ajax development with JSF–from real-time validation and Direct Web Remoting to wrapping Ajax in JSF components and using the popular Ajax4jsf framework. This book will help you Automate low-level details and eliminate unnecessary complexity in server-side development Discover JSF best practices, ranging from effective UI design and style sheets to internationalization Use JSF with Tiles to build consistent, reusable user interfaces Leverage external services such as databases, LDAP directories, authentication/authorization, and Web services Use JBoss Seam to greatly simplify development of database-backed applications Implement custom components, converters, and validators Master the JSF 1.2 tag libararies, and extend JSF with additional tag libraries
Title Core Java Server Faces
ISBN 9780131738867
Edition 2nd Edition, 2007
Number of Pages 723
Country India
Language English

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Core Java Server Faces

David M. Geary

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