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Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 11th Edition

11th Edition, 2006


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Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 11th Edition (Hardcover)

TK. 2,478
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Product Specification & Summary

Offers a concise yet thorough presentation of engineering mechanics theory and application. The material is reinforced with numerous examples to illustrate principles and imaginative, well-illustrated problems of varying degrees of difficulty. The book is committed to developing users' problem-solving skills. Features "Photorealistc" figures (approximately 200) that have been rendered in often 3D photo quality detail to appeal to visual learners. Features a large variety of problem types from a broad range of engineering disciplines, stressing practical, realistic situations encountered in professional practice, varying levels of difficulty, and problems that involve solution by computer. A thorough presentation of engineering mechanics theory and applications includes some of these topics: Force Vectors; Equilibrium of a Particle; Force System Resultants; Equilibrium of a Rigid Body; Structural Analysis; Internal Forces; Friction; Center of Gravity and Centroid; Moments of Inertia; and Virtual Work. For professionals in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, aeronautical engineering, and engineering mechanics careers
Title Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 11th Edition
ISBN 9780132295666
Edition 11th Edition, 2006
Number of Pages 656
Country India
Language English

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Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 11th Edition

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