Programming and Data Structures II

1st Edition, 2016

Programming and Data Structures II (Paperback)

TK. 711

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Product Specification & Summary

Programming and Data Structures II is designed as a textbook for the C programming and data structures course offered to the B.E. computer science engineering, information technology and computer and communication engineering students of Anna University in the third semester. This book provides an in-depth treatment of the C programming concepts and applications of data structures using C programming language. The book first acquaints the readers with the fundamentals of object oriented programming and C programming concepts and then discusses the advanced features of C . In the subsequent chapters, the data concepts such as trees, graphs and heaps are explained and their implementations are illustrated using C programming language. Lab exercises and additional programs are provided in the appendix to help students hone their programming skills. The book provides simple and to-the-point explanations of concepts supported with numerous programming examples. Point-wise summary and glossary of key terms are also given at the end of each chapter for quick revision.
Title Programming and Data Structures II
ISBN 9780199470594
Edition 1st Edition, 2016
Number of Pages 432
Country India
Language English

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Programming and Data Structures II

Reema Thareja

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